Tuesday, July 28, 2009

There is a whole bunch of talk going around about a government health care plan. Detractors of the plan, among other things, caution us that a government run plan means that legislators will be in control of who gets or does not get certain health care treatments. Supporters of the plan deny this would be the case.

I just had this strange thought that maybe there should be an early termination option. You know, if your prognosis is not good that you could elect to call it a day, check out, bring an end to it all with the insurance plan covering the cost of euthanasia.

I don't know, what do you think?
Ha, so much for the new approach. You see how that worked out. I went even longer than the last time without a post... However, this time I have something to write about. If for no other reason but to get the thoughts out of my head.

On June 25 2009, I got news about Michael Jackson's demise just like many of you. I took that news rather hard because I grew up to Michael Jackson and his brothers in the Jackson 5. Now usually given a few years I would struggle to remember that date. However this date I am sure to remember because not only did Micheal die, but it was the day that I found out that I had a brain AVM which had bled.

What is an AVM? That is the very same question I asked the doctor. He informed me that an AVM (Arteriovenous Malformation) is a cluster of capillaries that is not properly formed. AVMs are congenital and can be found in all parts of the body. Mine, as I said was on my brain.

I was at home when my AVM bled. If felt in instantly. First I heard a small pop sound in my head then I had such a headache like you would not believe. That coupled with my vision going blurry, losing my balance and perspiring perfusely told me that something was wrong. So what did I do? I drove myself to the hospital. A vertigo and aneurysm diagnosis later I was laying in the emergency room at St. Joseph's hospital crying and thinking this sucks. You see, some number of years ago an aneurysm claimed my oldest brothers life. I followed in a lot of his footsteps, but not this one.

After I was transferred to one of the leading neuro surgical hospitals in the country, University of Maryland Medical Center a young resident correctly diagnosed my problem as an AVM not an aneurysm. A few angiograms, CT scans, MRIs, a crown screwed to my head and 25 minutes of radiation, I still can't be sure if this thing is under control. I have to wait four months for a follow up visit with my neurosurgeon to know if the problem is going away.

In the mean time, I just have to wait. With every little ache of my head I am sure that my pressure rises out of concern for what it could mean. I am not one to pray, but I am thinking positive thoughts that will create an environment in which I Will Survivve (Gloria Gaynor).

PS. I hope this all fits no problem...